Installation instructions for Max-Turn and Min-Max versions of the Electraeon Fast Throttle Tube for Ducati motorcycles.
Before removing the throttle housing take note of the throttle cable routing.
Fully slacken the cable adjusters. Peel back the sleeves to access the adjusters and slacken the locknuts. Turn the adjusters clockwise. Remove the throttle housing, and throttle tube.
If you have sent your housing for modification skip to: Modification of the cable ends.
Modification of the throttle housing:
Tools Required: Dremel Moto-Tool or similar with cut off disks, Dial calipers measuring tool. Shop vice. Safety glasses, grinding shield, cut proof gloves, and hearing protection.
Material needs to be removed from the throttle stops (Points number 1 in photo). Measurements are taken from the closest point on the arc that contains the logo (Points number 2 in photo) to the closest point on the stops . Removing too much material is not a problem unless excessive.
On the top cover side (threaded bolt holes) remove .1" (2.54mm) from the stops. When completed a clear depth of .415" (10.54mm) must be achieved. On the bottom cover side (location pin side) remove .035" (.89mm) from the stops. When completed a clear depth of .415" (10.54mm) must be achieved.
Use a Dremel Moto-Tool or similar with a cut off disk. Have spare disks on hand as you are likely to break one. You will also need to replace disks as the diameter becomes to small to be effective. Caution: Secure the workpieces in a vice. Wear safety glasses, grinding shield, cut proof gloves, and hearing protection.
Test with Throttle Tube installed between the housings pressed together firmly. The Fast Throttle Tube should rotate freely between the stops. |
Modification of the cable ends:
Tools Required: Rigid brand #104 close quarters style tubing cutter, Ideal brand Stripmaster #45-091 wire stripper, Snap-on brand #86CF side cutter pliers or equivalent tools. Dial calipers measuring tool. Safety glasses and grinding shield. Bike Covers or clean towels.
The cable ends inside the throttle housing must be shortened. The modification can be performed with the opposite ends of the cables attached to the throttle bodies. Rotate the handlebars to position the cables as far away for the motorcycle as possible. Cover all surfaces on the bike near the work area with covers or clean towels. A portable work bench that can be positioned close to the motorcycle will prove helpful, be sure to secure the work bench from accidental movement. Remove the throttle housing and stock throttle tube from the cables.
The top wire (throttle opening cable, #1 in photo) must be shortened .275" (7mm) and the bottom (throttle closing cable, #2 in photo) .1" (2.5mm). Measure from the top edge of the top cable and bottom edge of the bottom cable. Failing to cut enough will cause friction with the throttle tube flange, a small amount too much is not a problem. Cutting an excessive amount will cause the cable to track poorly. Be certain that you have measured correctly before cutting.
Place masking tape on the ends and mark measurements of the amount to be removed. Using a close quarters style tubing cutter (Rigid brand #104 or smaller) cut the plastic housings on each cable end. Inside the black plastic housing there is a white sleeve. Use a wire striper (Ideal brand Stripmaster #45-091) to remove the protruding portion of the sleeve. Place the sleeve in the 16 AWG slot and hold the upper section that normally separates to strip the wire together with one hand while actuating the handles with the other. This will cause the blades to cut the sleeve without pulling on the cable. The 16 AWG slot is small enough to cut the shield but large enough that it does not cut the cable. Be certain that you have the cable correctly aligned in the 16 AWG slot before applying cutting pressure. Use side cutter pliers (Snap-on brand #86CF) to remove the cut off pieces. Place the jaws horizontally on the wire with the jaw angle facing up, apply slight pressure to grip the cut off piece, bend the cable away from the cut and apply cutting force. Caution: the cut off piece may fly at your face, wear safety glasses and grinding shield.
Thoroughly inspect the cables. If the wires are nicked or cut they MUST be replaced. Operating the motorcycle with damaged cables may cause a crash.
Check for proper cable routing.
Install the lower cable (throttle closing cable) in the oblong hole of the Fast Throttle Tube. Place the cable end in the lower housing and position it on the handlebar. Install the upper cable end in the Fast Throttle Tube. Align the cable tabs and bosses. Place the top throttle housing cover on. Install bolts.
Check again for proper cable routing.
Adjust the cable length:
Peel back the sleeves to access the adjusters and slacken the locknuts.
Adjust both adjusters by the same amount: turn clockwise to increase free play, counter-clockwise to decrease free play.
As a starting point, tighten both adjusters until slight resistance is felt in the adjusters then turn clockwise 2 full turns. Test by turning the throttle to full open position and releasing the grip. It should snap closed fully, smoothly, and quickly. Continue to turn clockwise 1 turn and testing. When the throttle closes smoothly test for free play.
The throttle cable should have free play of 1.5 to 2.0 mm (measured in terms of rotation of the grip) in all steering positions.
When finished, tighten the locknuts and replace the sleeves.
Testing: Rotate the throttle grip several times. Throttle grip operation should feel smooth and the throttle spring should return the throttle to the closed position when released. Start the motorcycle in riding position with the transmission in neutral. Turn the handle bars from lock to lock. The engine idle speed should not change with handle bar position. If idle speed changes by moving the handle bars the throttle cables are too tight. |